Product Details
A compact, lightweight, bright, high-resolution monochromator
with a focal length of 250mm.
Operation Part:
Filter manual switching holder (up to 6 manual slide types can
be attached)
Incident slit micrometer (slit display, minimum scale 10 μm ,
width 0 to 4 mm variable)
V- shaped diaphragm
Wavelength counter (minimum scale 1nm )
Wavelength dial ( minimum scale 0.1nm )
Diffraction grating exchange cover
Exit slit micrometer ( slit display , minimum scale 10μm width
0-4mm variable)
Wavelength drive connector [Optional 16P connector]
Gas cock * It is possible to flow nitrogen gas, but the
spectrometer is not a completely sealed body.
The optical arrangement adopts our original modified
Czerny-Turner mount, so the stray light caused by multiple
diffraction is minimized.
The optical system has little aberration, so a spectrum with
good symmetry can be obtained over each wavelength.
The diffraction grating can be easily replaced and the
replacement reproducibility is good (within ±0.1mm), so it can be
used as a broadband spectrometer (monochromator). (200nm to 25μm)
Since it can be purged with nitrogen, it can also be used in
the infrared region.
Employing a diffraction grating with a wide effective area, the
optical system is bright at F=4.3 and has little aberration, so the
output light has excellent symmetry over each wavelength, resulting
in even higher resolution.
The mechanism and operation are simple and robust, so it is
resistant to shock and vibration, and there is almost no backlash
in the slit mechanism, so highly accurate measurement is possible.
Since the entrance and exit slits are arranged on the opposite
side, it is easy to combine other optical systems and special
accessories to create a spectroscopic system that meets the
intended use.
By installing a stepping motor wavelength driver (option), it
is possible to control with an external pulse signal or GP-IB.
Incident slit ( 0 to 4mm continuously variable, minimum scale
Flat mirror
Wavelength marker ( operates once every 10 nm )
Wavelength drive motor [Compatible with optional wavelength
drive controller]
Collimator mirror (spherical mirror)
Diffraction grating
Camera mirror ( spherical mirror)
Outgoing slit ( 0 to 4mm continuously variable, minimum scale
How to read the wavelength counter and handle:
Wavelength display is 1200 lines /mm diffraction grating direct
The counter in the photo above shows 100nm , but the wavelength
handle is 0.15nm less than 0nm , so 100 - 0.15nm = 99.85nm .
Double reading for 600 lines /mm → 99.85 × 2=199.7nm
4x reading for 300 lines /mm → 99.85 × 4 = 399.4nm
In the case of 150 lines /mm , 8 times reading → 99.85 × 8 =
798.8 nm .
* Depending on the device, there are types that do not support
1200 lines /mm direct reading.
Body (without diffraction grating)
Visible filter (L-37・R-64)
Sliding filter holder
Sliding height V-type aperture
Instruction manual
Diffraction grating lineup:
Grating is optional. Please specify one.
Please contact us for other diffraction gratings.
Reciprocal dispersion varies with wavelength.
Body: about W360 x D330 x H215mm
Weight: about 20Kg

Deuterium lamp 30W
Deuterium lamp power supply
Nitrogen purge type spectrometer
Diffraction grating 2400/150nm blaze
Instruction manual
Wavelength drive controller
High-order light cut filter and controller
Automatic shutter mechanism
Various diffraction gratings
Photomultiplier tube
CCD detector
Body: about W390 × D530 × H260mm