You may not post, sell or buy item that is restricted or prohibited by a federal, state or local law in any country or jurisdiction on
Please be aware that does not permit any selling or posting of items that are illegal, infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others, or may easily be used for illegal purposes. reserves the right to remove any trade items that violate the 'Product Posting Policy' without further notice. reserves the right to disable the accounts of any members who continue to violate the 'Product Posting Policy' after having been warned The following is a list of products/product types that are prohibited on
- Machines that are involved in illegal drugs manufacturing like (but not limited to), " Pill pressing machine",including dies, mold and other parts involved in pill press process.
- Items that encourage illegal activities
- Items that are racially, religiously or ethnically derogatory, or that promote hatred, violence, racial or religious intolerance
- Giveaways, lotteries, raffles, stocks, bonds, investment interests, and other securities
- Pornographic materials or items that are sexual in nature
- Items that do not offer a product or service for sale, such as advertisements solely for the purpose of collecting user information
- Illegal drugs and drug paraphernalia
- Stolen property includes items taken from private individuals and property from companies
- IPR infringing, replica and counterfeit products
- Images with watermarks referring to brands and companies other than own brand/company.
- Human Parts and remains (e.g. organs, bone, blood, sperm and eggs)
- Wildlife and related animal products (e.g. pelts, bone and other parts)
- The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species ™