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Animal waste Incinerator

Product Details

Description of the animal waste incinerator (raising and slaughtering poultry and sheep):

Biowas Incinerators are the most compact incinerators for permanently destroying animal waste. Our systems are manufactured using high quality raw materials to ensure waste moisture resistance, and a long enough residence time to ensure complete and effective combustion.

Economic component:

- Effective waste management.

Low consumption and operating costs.

Availability, effectiveness and efficiency.

- 90% reduction in volume and 70% in weight.

Environmental component:

- Environmental protection.

- Prevention of public health.

- The complete destruction of microorganisms.

- There is no possibility of contaminating fumes.

- Eliminate odours and acids.

For more information, contact the BIOWAS MAKINA team

Mobile : Tr /+ 905 626 344 136, Dz /+ 213 952 561 212

E-mail: [email protected]

Biowas Makina

Lot Lakmine Local N°01 - Oum El Bouaghi -


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