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10 liter oxygen concentrator promotion list travel oxygen concentrator

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Place of OriginHenan,China Brand NameYG/Yugong
Model NumberYG-5W Instrument classificationClass II
Warranty1 Year After-sale ServiceOnline technical support
Product nameoxygen concentrator FunctionHealth Care
ApplicationHousehold Product size340x320x530mm
Rated voltage220Vu00b122V 50Hz Input poweru2264420VA
Output pressureu2265100kPa Sound Levelu226440Bd
Oxygen concentrations90%-96% The oxygen flow rate1-5L
Henan Yugong Machinery Co., Ltd. offers premium quality 10 Liter Oxygen Concentrator Promotion List Travel Oxygen Concentrator for B2B importers and distributors worldwide. Henan Yugong Machinery Co., Ltd. is located in China and deals exclusively in the production and export of Oxygen Concentrator.

10 liter oxygen concentrator promotion list travel oxygen concentrator Price in China

The price of 10 Liter Oxygen Concentrator Promotion List Travel Oxygen Concentrator from China is based on the bulk order quantity. Henan Yugong Machinery Co., Ltd. offers flexible prices for Oxygen Concentrator variations depending on the importing country and quantity.

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