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Wish To Buy Rattan Furniture

  • PurchaserArnold Zolti
  • Country
  • Contact NumberShow
  • Company NameShow
  • Posted21 Dec, 2023
  • Quantity Required -
  • Buying Frequency Monthly

Buy offer Details

We are interested in purchasing modern rattan outdoor furniture for our upcoming project. Could you please provide detailed specifications for the following
What is the exact composition of the rattan material used in the furniture? Are there any additional materials or coatings?
Could you elaborate on the quality standards your rattan furniture adheres to? Are there any certifications or tests that the products undergo?
Do you offer different sizes and configurations for the furniture sets?
We want 24 sets of rattan furniture
Do you have a catalog or a website where we can review the different designs?
Please provide a detailed quotation, including pricing, lead times, and any customization options available.

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