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Seeking Details On Glass Lamp

  • PurchaserAndrew Febrianto
  • Country
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  • Posted13 Dec, 2023
  • Quantity Required -
  • Buying Frequency Monthly

Buy offer Details

We are currently in the market for high-quality glass lamps, and after reviewing your products, we are interested in making a purchase.
We are looking to order 3800 units of the glass lamps. Could you please provide information on the pricing structure, including any bulk discounts that may be applicable?
To ensure that the glass lamps meet our requirements, we would appreciate more details on the specifications. Specifically, we are interested in the following :
Please provide the height, width, and any other relevant dimensions.
Clarify the type of glass used and any other materials in the construction.
Describe the finish or coating on the lamps.
Confirm the type and wattage of bulbs that the lamps support.
If available, we would be interested in receiving samples of the glass lamps to assess their quality firsthand. Please provide details on the sample availability and any associated costs.
Thank you
Andrew Febrianto

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