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Searching for Powder Fire Extinguishers

  • PurchaserMagdi
  • Country
    Saudi Arabia
  • Contact NumberShow
  • Company NameShow
  • Posted09 Mar, 2024

Buy offer Details

Dear Sir,

We are searching for Powder Fire Extinguishers

Could you please provide me a quotation and specification of the list below :
1- Powder Fire Extinguishers
- 200 pieces of 1 kg.
- 200 pieces of 2 kg.
- 200 pieces of 3 kg.
- 200 pieces of 4.5 kg.
- 500 pieces of 6 kg.
- 200 pieces of 10 kg.
- 50 pieces of 25 kg.
- 25 pieces of 50 kg.
2- Foam Fire Extinguishers
- 200 pieces of 6 kg.
- 200 pieces of 10 kg.
- 50 pieces of 25 kg.
- 20 pieces of 50 kg.
3- Co2 Fire Extinguishers
- 200 pieces of 2 kg.
- 200 pieces of 6 kg.
- 100 pieces of 15 kg.
- 50 pieces of 25 kg.

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