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Nikon E200 1000x Biological Advanced Microscope/ Nikon E-200 CPD.43.E200 Laboratory Biological Microscope

  • PurchaserMarat Zakirov
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  • Posted30 Jan, 2023
  • Quantity Required 4 Pieces
  • Buying Frequency

Buy offer Details

Hello! My name is Marat.
We want to get a microscope biological bright field.
I think under our characteristics the model Nikon E200 fits.
Since he is dear, we need an analogue.
Do you have a microscope that will fit all the specifications we need, or maybe you can produce it?
We are looking for this product with these characteristics for our client.
Please understand us and do not offer us what does not fit.
Thanks in advance for your reply.
I will also write the main characteristics required :
- Research methods Light field in transmitted light
- Binocular head (Siedentopf type)
- Interpupillary distance 53-75mm
- Left eyepiece with diopter compensation
- slope of 30 degrees
- Maximum 360 degree rotation
- Compensation extra-wide oculars (focus removed)
- Increase 10 times and more
- Field of view 20mm
- The number of lenses simultaneously placed on a revolver 4 pieces
- Rectangular flat table with a wear-resistant ceramic coating, with coordinate movement in the plane along the XY axes with coaxial displacement handles
- Lens type Plan Achromat 4X, N.A. 0.10, Working distance 30mm
- Lens type Plan Achromat 10X, N.A. 0.25, Working distance 7 mm
- Lens type Plan Achromat 40X, N.A. 0.65, Working distance 0.65 mm
- Lens type Plan Achromat 100X, N.A. 1.25 (oil), Working distance 0.23 mm
- Centered condenser bb N.A. 1.25 for observations by the bright field method
- Ability to complete the universal phase condenser with built-in, switchable rotation of the block of rings, centered phase rings for magnifications 10x, 20x, 40x, 100x, bright field and dark field positions
- Light source : halogen lamp
- Halogen lamp power 30 W
- Voltage 220V - Frequency 50 Hz
Best regards,
Marat Zakirov

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