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Looking for wall mounted HRV ventilation system

  • PurchaserLander Less
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  • Posted27 Dec, 2023

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Good evening,

we are interested in a wall mounted HRV ventilation system of 150m3/h approx.

Our client wants mainly 2 resolve 2 problems installing a ventilation system :

1-Reduce the condensation humidity from at their homes.

2-Get a better air quality.

Therefore we believe increasing ventilation with HRV positive pressure system they will be able to reduce humidity at home. Nevertheless an HVAC system that could use a HRV exchanger or an ERV (enthalpy exchanger) depending the weather conditions, would be preferable.

Our clients want an efficient & compact wall mounted ventilation system. They don’t want complex systems where long ducts need to be installed along the house.

Our main market is the northern coast of Spain and has the following weather conditions :


Temperature : 8-18 ºC

Relative humidity : 60-85%


Temp : 15-28 ºC

Relative Humidity : 75-90%

But in winter, inside our clients houses can reach 85% humidity. And they want to reduce it.

Could you please provide brochure or information about both systems? Technical, manuals, etc.

Our idea is to sell 20 units per month once the HRV ventilation system is verified and can reduce humidity by increasing good quality ventilation.

Thank you

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