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Looking for CNC Lathe Machine Slant bed

  • PurchaserSerhat Dalgac
  • Country
    Republic of Türkiye
  • Contact NumberShow
  • Company NameShow
  • Posted19 Jan, 2024

Buy offer Details


I have been considering purchasing cnc lathe with c axis machine, and I wanted to reach out to you regarding this matter. I would like to gather information about a specific machine and request a price quote from you. I hope you can assist me with this.

Could you please provide me with the following details regarding the machine specifications and price :

Machine Model :
Please specify the machine model and serial number.
Technical Specifications :
control unite name
motor power
servo name
linear gear name

Pricing :

What is the price of the machine?
What are the payment terms?
Are there any installation and delivery fees?
Additionally, do you offer any warranties or after-sales services? I would like to inquire about this information as well.

If possible, could you also provide any additional materials such as photographs or technical documentation related to the machine?

Kindly get back to me with this information. We are looking for a machine that fits our requirements, and we hope to collaborate with you.

Thank you.

Best regards,

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