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Keen To Obtain Luminous Furniture

  • PurchaserTuyen Doan
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  • Posted25 Dec, 2023
  • Quantity Required -
  • Buying Frequency Monthly

Buy offer Details

We are having interest in purchasing illuminated furniture for bars in a large quantity.
Can you provide insights into the quality standards of the illuminated furniture?
Could you provide details on any potential discounts or incentives for ordering larger quantities?
What are the key specifications of the illuminated furniture, such as size, color options, and customization possibilities, to ensure they align with the aesthetic requirements of our bar?
Could you provide a comprehensive breakdown of the pricing structure, including any additional costs such as customization fees or shipping charges?
Kindly supply a swift quotation for the acquisition of 250 units, taking into account any applicable discounts for expedited orders.
Tuyen Doan

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