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I need Aluminum Wheel Scrap 99.97%

  • PurchaserDarshan Malaviya
  • Country
  • Contact NumberShow
  • Company NameShow
  • Posted10 Feb, 2024
  • Quantity Required Moq
  • Buying Frequency Monthly

Buy offer Details

We are currently in the process of sourcing aluminum scrap for our business needs. We are interested in obtaining a CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight) quotation for delivery to Mundra Port in India.

In addition to the pricing details, we would appreciate information on the following :

1. Product Specifications : Please provide detailed specifications of the aluminum scrap, including type, alloy composition, and any relevant technical details.

2. Quantity : Indicate the minimum order quantity, available stock, and any volume-based pricing discounts.

3. Pricing : Share the CIF price per metric ton to Mundra Port, inclusive of all costs such as insurance and freight charges.

4. Payment Terms : Inform us of your preferred payment terms and any applicable discounts for prompt payment.

5. Delivery Schedule : Provide an estimate of the time required for delivery and any factors that may influence the delivery timeline.

6. Quality Assurance : Explain the quality control measures in place at your company's storage facility. Additionally, clarify the procedures for checking the quality of the aluminum scrap at your facility.

7. Sample shipment : We are interested in obtaining a sample of the aluminum scrap to assess its quality before making a bulk purchase. Please provide details on how we can request and receive a sample shipment, including any associated costs.

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