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Healthcare Internet of Things Wearable device

  • PurchaserShail Choksi
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  • Posted03 Jan, 2023
  • Quantity Required 10 Pieces
  • Buying Frequency

Buy offer Details

Dear Sir/Madam,
Im looking for products with the following specifications :
We want to develop our own program in IOT device. In other words, we are not much concerned about the hardware but the software needs to be customized based on our process and need. We have software engineer but need to work with you to develop the prototype. Our idea is to make our health program more efficient by avoiding manual data entry in the website but directly getting data from IOT device. We definitely want to measure sleep, blood pressure, heart rate etc.however there are some other information that we want to collect from the user and directly added to our web-based application. We want to make the process very efficient thats why device much captures other information from User through voice command than typing manually.
Main Requirements
1. Need to develop customized program/software. We should be able to update programs without any issue.
2. IOT device enable voice command to capture user details (like SIRI)
3. Security Enabled
4. We need white labeling (need our company logo and branding)
We just need customized program implemented in your IOT device

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