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Asking For Industrial PC

  • PurchaserLim Chia Chun
  • Country
  • Contact NumberShow
  • Company NameShow
  • Posted13 Dec, 2023
  • Quantity Required -
  • Buying Frequency Monthly

Buy offer Details

Please provide detailed specifications of the Industrial PC, including processor type, RAM capacity, storage options, and available expansion slots.
What is the minimum order quantity for this Industrial PC, and are there any discounts available for bulk orders?
Please quote pricing for 25 PC with a focus on best quality.
Can you provide information about the quality control measures in place during the manufacturing process? Are there any certifications or standards that the product adheres to?
How many units of this Industrial PC are currently available for immediate shipment?
What is the current stock availability, and can you confirm the lead time for restocking if the desired quantity exceeds the available stock?

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