Please forward this eMail to a department that can do something about it.
You are a manufacturer of vibrating massage ball. It is a good product for the rilief of muscle tension. I think your ball principles could be used to construct a Parkinson’s Ball (to be held by fin-gertips, and marketed as massage ball).
Many Parkinson’s disease symptoms result from groups of neu-rons that fire abnormally in unison. Using computer modeling, Dr. Peter Tass's team discovered they could reset these abnormal firings by providing a patterned stimulus with vibrations of 100-300 hertz (per second), ideal being arround 15,000 RPM. Parkin-son’s glove is curently being tested.
Over 12,000.000 people, world wide, suffer from Parkison’s. This could be a great opportunity.
Ivan Kos
9417- 96 A St, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6C 3Z6
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