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Looking for Peptides (Melanotan II) Mt-II /Mt 2 with GMP for Tanning Injections 10mg/Vial

  • PurchaserJacey Jones
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Contact NumberShow
  • Company NameShow
  • Posted01 Nov, 2023
  • Quantity Required -
  • Buying Frequency Monthly

Buy offer Details

Dear Supplier,
We are currently looking to expand our product line and are interested in purchasing a sample of Melanotan-2 10mg vials and Melanotan-2 nasal sprays, with a view of buying in bulk thereafter.
Could you please provide me with the following information so we can determine if a relationship with you would be a good fit for our business :
- Are you able to provide custom-labelling for the vials and nasal sprays? We would like our brand logo affixed to these products.
- What is the standard production and shipping time for orders to the United Kingdom?
- Please let us know the price per unit (including labelling and shipping) for the following order quantities of vials and nasal sprays respectively :
I appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you soon so we can move forward with our order.
Kind regards,

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