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Buy Feed Additive

  • PurchaserGuangdong Atech Biotechnology Co., Ltd
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  • Company NameShow
  • Posted05 Nov, 2022
  • Quantity Required 1 ton
  • Buying Frequency -

Buy offer Details

(Manno Oligosaccharides )
Aqua feed
To improve aquatic animals specific and non-specific immunity;
To improve aquatic animals anti-stress (in fishing, transportation & selling);
To reduce susceptibility of the aquatic animals;
To promote growth of aquatic animals, and to lower FCR;
To improve the quality and survival rate during breeding;
Swine feed
Poultry feed
To enhance active immune system of piglets, to reduce the weaning stress and guarantee the health of the
weaned piglets and thus, to improve their survival rate;
To improve the sows reproductive performance and to reduce the proportion of stillbirth, weak embryos and
mummified embryos;
To significantly improve the number and weight of the weaned piglets and effectively shorten the sows estrus;
To efficiently control the sows epidemic infectious diseases, especially the viral diseases;
To improve the antibody content of the breast milk and to reduce the diarrhea rate of the piglets and thus,
contribute greatly to the healthy growth of the piglets;
To reduce and absorb mycotoxin which badly impacted the immune system;
Used as an adjuvant to improve the titer of vaccine; to improve 15% ~ 25% titer of the antibody;
To effectively stimulate the flocks immune system and to improve the resistance to viral infection;
To reduce the stresses of the flocks during breeding;
To effectively inhibit the growth of pathogens such as salmonella and E. coli in the digestive tract, and to reduce
the incidence of gastrointestinal diseases;Used as an adjuvant to effectively improve more than 30% titer of avian influenza, Mareks disease, bursa, and
laryngotracheitis vaccine;
To improve egg production and egg weight and prolong the peak period of egg

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