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Art Paper Paper Type and Soft Cover Book Cover book printing

  • PurchaserNicolas Martin
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  • Posted30 Nov, 2022
  • Quantity Required 1 Y
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Buy offer Details

Hi, we are looking to purchase "Mandalas coloring book printing", for export for the US Amazon Market, and I have some questions that I would like you to answer, if possible :
If so, please see my questions below :

1) Do you have experience in sending your products to the Amazon warehouses?
2) Can you please send me a quotation for 100 units / 500 units of The "Mandalas coloring book printing" whit shipping? Please clarify.
3) What are the quality certifications of "Mandalas coloring book printing" ?
4) How long does it take to send the shipment to the Amazon warehouse in USA?
5) Do you provide a tracking number?
6) Can you provide the packaging? What would be the cost for 100 units / 500 units?
7) Do you have any available packaging model?
8) What is the price to add a logo?
9) What are the avaliblle colours?
10) Can you please provide pictures to post in Amazon?

Appreciate your reply. Thank you.
My mail is

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